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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ADL Test Suite 1.2.7 Bug cmi.core.score

Leaving off the .raw from cmi.core.score.raw does not result in an error in the ADL Test Suite 1.2.7. The operation LMSSetValue('cmi.core.score','100'); should returnthe following errors.

LMSSetValue('cmi.core.score', '100') returned 'false'
LMSGetLastError() returned '201'
LMSGetErrorString('201') returned 'Invalid argument error'

But instead in the ADL Test Suite 1.2.7 it returns:

LMSSetValue(cmi.core.score,100) has been invoked
LMSSetValue() finished successfully

Package is SCORM Version 1.2 ADLCP-PIF1 Conformant

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mantis Bug Tracker IE 8 Accelerator

I just took a few minutes and wrote an IE 8 accelerator that post data to Mantis. It is fairly rudimentary, but it is a good example and it gets the job done. To make it better I think it would be good to add a PHP page to the Mantis install that asks for a little more information like project, assign to, and maybe a more descriptive summary.

NOTE: This accelerator does not contain a login script so for seamless execution you should already be logged into Mantis.

Below is the code to create a link to install the accelerator:
<button id="myButton"
Post bug to mantis</button>

Below is the XML for the accelerator:
[file name: mantis_ie_accelerator]

<os:openservicedescription xmlns:os="">
<os:name>Post Issue to Mantis</os:name>
<os:description>Quick way to post an issue to Mantis.</os:description>
<os:activity category="Bug Tracker">
<os:activityaction context="selection">
<os:execute action="" method="post">
<os:parameter name="summary" type="text" value="{selection}">
<os:parameter name="description" type="text" value="{selection}">