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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Articulate SCO to SCO SCORM 2004 sequencing

This week the question was asked "How to get sequenced Articulate published to SCORM 2004 3rd Ed  flies to move from each SCO to the next SCO correctly?". This is easily accomplished within SCORM by first publishing your multi-SCO articulate package. Then when you want to move from one SCO to another SCO automatically you will have to use adl.nav.request


The line above will move from the current sco to the next sco in the activity tree as soon as the current sco session is terminated.

In the Articulate SCO packages set this on line 169 for the "SCORM2004Functions.js" file

blnResult = blnResult && SCORM2004_CallSetValue("adl.nav.request","continue")

UPDATE 12/13/2011
Once you make the change then you will need to package up the Articulate sco packages into a single course with Simple SCORM Packager. Once do that then test it on

If it works on and not on your LMS then the issue is with your LMS. If it does not work on then you did something wrong in your code.